Welcome to Smart Optical Fiber System Lab
Jiaxi Liang
Shanghai Huawei
Research Direction:Mutual information estimation method and application research of optical fiber communication system based on deep learning
Postgraduate students (2019 - 2022)
Office address: Room 5-501, Telecommunication Group Building, Jiaotong University, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
Zip code: 200240
E-mail: 597942869@qq.com
Personal Profile

2015-2019 Electronic Information Engineering, Beihang University. In September 2019, he entered the State Key Laboratory of Regional Optical Communication Networks and New Optical Communication Systems of Shanghai Jiaotong University to study for a master's degree, under the tutelage of Professor Yi Lilin, and his research direction is the application of machine learning in optical access networks.

Research direction: Mutual information estimation method and application research of optical fiber communication system based on deep learning

Employment: Shanghai Huawei CBG software development

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