Welcome to Smart Optical Fiber System Lab
Huazheng Gao
Research Direction:Anti-jamming lidar
Postgraduate students (2018 - 2021)
Office address: Room 5-501, Telecommunication Group Building, Jiaotong University, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
Zip code: 200240
E-mail: gaohuazheng@sjtu.edu.cn
Personal Profile

From 2014 to 2018, he studied at Northeastern University, majoring in electronic information engineering. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in engineering in 2018. In September of the same year, he entered the Future Optical Network Research Group of the State Key Laboratory of Regional Optical Fiber Communication Networks and New Optical Communication Systems, Shanghai Jiaotong University to study for a master's degree. , under the tutelage of Professor Yili Lin, the current main research direction is the application of machine learning in optical communication.

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