Welcome to Smart Optical Fiber System Lab
Laboratory overview
LIFE, Laboratory of Intelligent Fiber Ecosystem
Laboratory of Intelligent Optical Fiber System (LIFE, Laboratory of Intelligent Fiber Ecosystem), affiliated to the State Key Laboratory of Regional Optical Fiber Communication Network and New Optical Communication System of Shangh** Jiaotong University, **ms to use intelligent technology to solve the transmission of light waves in optical fibers The key challenges faced are m**nly for two application scenarios of fiber optic communication systems and fiber laser systems. The direction of intelligent optical fiber communication system **ms to solve the nonlinear compensation problem in long-distance optical transmission scenarios and the channel equalization problem in short-distance optical access scenarios. The direction of intelligent fiber laser system **ms to solve the problem of precise pulse regulation and The problem of spectrally precise tuning in high-power CW fiber lasers. The solutions to the above problems involve the compensation, utilization and suppression of optical fiber nonlinearity respectively, and the common key issue is the intelligent regulation of optical fiber nonlinearity...
Scientific Research Project
Participated in the sub-project of the 863 major project “Research on Evolution Technology of Fiber-Coaxial Hybrid Access System”. Participated in the 973 project project“Optical Phase Control Mechanism and Millimeter Wave Phase Stable Transmission Device ” (2012CB315602). Participated in the sub-project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) major project“Basic theory, chip design and preparation of 100Gb/s photonic routing integrated chip”(61090393)
Smart Fiber Laser System
Fiber lasers are divided into pulsed fiber lasers and continuous fiber lasers. LIFE mainly conducts research on the scenarios of femtosecond ultrafast fiber lasers and ultra-high power continuous fiber lasers. Femtosecond ultrafast fiber lasers mainly use fiber nonlinearity to achieve ultrashort and ultrastable pulses The ultra-high power continuous fiber laser mainly suppresses the nonlinearity of the fiber to achieve ultra-high power output. LIFE takes the lead in introducing intelligent control technology into the field of fiber laser, embedding intelligent algorithms into hardware platforms to realize real-time intelligent control, and achieving the above two main goals.
Intelligent Optical Fiber Communication System
In 2021, Huawei released the “Ten Mathematical Challenges for the Information Industry in the Post-Shannon Era”. Among them, the challenge involving optical fiber communication is“Optical Communication Nonlinear Channel Compensation Problem”, which is specifically broken down into fast and accurate modeling of optical fiber channels and Nonlinear Compensation Problem. Realizing low-complexity nonlinear accurate compensation through fast and accurate modeling of fiber channels, it is expected to approach the Shannon capacity limit of linear channels, break through the “capacity crisis”of fiber channels, and support the continuous growth demand of communication capacity. LIFE conducts continuous in-depth research on this key issue, introduces AI technology, and designs AI architecture and algorithms suitable for optical fiber communication systems, aiming to break through the key challenge of optical fiber nonlinear compensation.