Welcome to Smart Optical Fiber System Lab
Minghai Yu
Pulian technology
Research Direction:Research on real-time anti-jamming lidar technology based on digital chaotic modulation
Postgraduate students (2018 - 2022)
Office address: Room 5-501, Telecommunication Group Building, Jiaotong University, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
Zip code: 200240
E-mail: 1289431733@qq.com
Personal Profile

Enrollment time: September 2018, professional master's degree

Research direction: Research on real-time anti-jamming lidar technology based on digital chaotic modulation

Employment Unit: Pulian Technology

2014-2018: School of Physical Science, Nankai University. In September 2018, entered the State Key Laboratory of Regional Optical Communication Network and New Optical Communication System of Shanghai Jiaotong University to study for a direct Ph.D., under the tutelage of Professor Yililin.

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