Welcome to Smart Optical Fiber System Lab

Achievement Exhibition

Intelligent Spectrum Regulation

All-fiber high-power narrow-linewidth CW lasers have the advantages of high beam quality, good reliability, high electro-optical conversion efficiency, small size, and convenient thermal management. Applications. On the premise of ensuring the quality of the output beam, continuously increasing the transmission power is the main research goal of current high-power continuous fiber lasers. The Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) structure is easy to adjust and has significant power boost performance, and is the preferred structure for high-power fiber lasers. Ideally, the laser output power has a nearly linear relationship with the pump power or gain coefficient. However, when the output power continues to increase, it is affected by various nonlinear effects in the fiber, such as cross-phase modulation, stimulated Raman scattering effect, Due to the stimulated Brillouin scattering (Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, SBS) effect and four-wave mixing, the output power curve enters the nonlinear region and presents a gain compression phenomenon. Among them, the threshold of the SBS effect is the lowest, and the randomness of the signal causes the self-pulsation phenomenon, which becomes the bottleneck that limits the maximum output power of the laser.

This research is dedicated to the ideal spectral design of seed sources and intelligent spectrum flexible control, exploring the output power limit of high-power fiber lasers obtained through spectral optimization, focusing on the study of arbitrary seed source broadening spectrum and laser power threshold models, based on custom signal design Spectral control of seed source and high-power laser amplification, 1 micron high-precision spectral measurement, intelligent optimization of high-order phase modulation seed source broadening spectrum. Utilizing the high-precision signal controllability of the arbitrary waveform generator, combined with high-precision spectrum measurement, it performs high-precision control on the spectrum shape and in-band power distribution of the spectrum, intelligently optimizes the spectrum for different scenarios, and improves the laser power threshold.