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Luyao Huang
Research Direction:Key Balancing Technology of High-speed Optical Access Physical Layer
PhD candidate (2018 - present)
Office address: Room 5-501, Telecommunication Group Building, Jiaotong University, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
Zip code: 200240
Personal Profile

Received a bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2018. In September of the same year, he entered the State Key Laboratory of Regional Optical Fiber and New Optical Communications of Shanghai Jiaotong University to study for a doctorate. Under the tutelage of Professor Yi Lilin, he studied the direction of optical access network in optical fiber communication. It is a high-speed direct detection optical access system and a high-speed coherent optical access system. In the direct detection system, low-bandwidth photoelectric devices are used combined with low-cost DSP equalization technology to achieve high-speed and high-power budget optical access. In the high-speed coherent optical access system , build a low-cost frequency-locking system, realize point-to-multipoint (P2MP) optical access system architecture based on coherent detection, and solve the problem of high-speed burst detection of uplink signals in traditional time-division multiplexing optical access networks (TDM-PON).
Published a number of papers in important journals such as Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics Letter, etc., and was awarded the National Optical Fiber Excellent Doctoral Student Award.


1. Luyao Huang, Lilin Yi, Lei Xue, Weisheng Hu, Wenqing Jiang and Yongxin Xu, "Performance and complexity analysis of conventional and deep learning equalizers for the high-speed IMDD PON," in Journal of Lightwave Technology, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3165529.

2. Luyao Huang, Wenqing Jiang, Yongxing Xu, Weisheng Hu, and Lilin Yi, "Low-complexity Volterra-inspired neural network equalizer in 100-G band-limited IMDD PON system," Opt. Lett. 47, 5692-5695 (2022).

3. Wanting Xu, Luyao Huang, et al., "SOA Assisted Wavelength Reusing for 25G Colorless PON With Low-Cost 10G EAM," in IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1-5, June 2022, Art no. 7931005, doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3172118.

4. Lilin Yi, Tao Liao, Luyao Huang, Lei Xue, Peixuan Li, and Weisheng Hu, "Machine Learning for 100 Gb/s/λ Passive Optical Network," Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 1621-1630, Mar.15, 2019. (Invited).

5. Luyao Huang, Lei Xue, Qunbi Zhuge , Weisheng Hu and Lilin Yi, "Modulation format identification under stringent bandwidth limitation based on an artificial neural network," OSA Continuum, vol. 4, no. 1, pp 96-104, 2021.


[1] Lilin Yi, Luyao Huang, Wenqing Jiang, Yongxin Xu, "Volterra-like neural network equalizer construction method and system", patent number: CN202210719826.8

Participate in the project
  • 2020.1 — Present
    National key research and development project, research on key technologies of artificial intelligence in the network layer and physical layer of high-speed optical access network
    Participation content/research results/mastered skills: Mainly participate in a topic under the national key research and development project, study the mathematical transmission model of the physical layer of the optical access system, apply artificial intelligence technology, and accurately model the system based on the end-to-end neural network. Realize the optimal geometric shaping of the modulation pattern to suppress the linear/nonlinear damage of the system, and use neural network equalization at the receiving end to eliminate the linear/nonlinear damage of the residual system, so as to explore the minimum device bandwidth requirements for single-wavelength 50G optical access, based on low bandwidth Optoelectronic devices realize high-speed and high-performance optical access.
  • 2020.6~2021.6
    Huawei project, high-speed modulation channel compensation algorithm for optical wavelength injection
    Participation content/research results/skills mastered: The project was completed based on the optical wavelength reuse technology on the 10km optical fiber bidirectional transmission link, using the channel compensation algorithm to achieve 25Gbps high-speed signal optical transmission with BER<10 in the case of a 10G level modulator -2.
  • 2021.7 — Present
    Huawei project, new optical access system and algorithm research
    Participation content/research results/skills mastered: for the optical multiple access technology of next-generation PON, research and verify key technologies. Complete the prototype and build the system to realize the high-speed PON system.